Logo Use


The Children’s Trust of Alachua County logo is used on communications including publications, digital and printed marketing materials, presentations, websites, merchandise and signage.

Use of the logo constitutes agreement to the below parameters.

  1. Providers are to use the logo of the Children’s Trust of Alachua County as displayed above.
  2. The logo is treated as artwork, not as typography.
  3. Use of the primary logo, as shown above, is always preferred. It should be placed on a white or light background that maintains the text legibility. (Other use cases are accounted for in the PowerPoint attached below.)
  4. The logo may be enlarged or reduced proportionately, so long as the text portion of the logo is easily read.
  5. Care should be taken not to stretch or compress the logo.
  6. The logo may appear next to your organization’s logo as long as it is the same approximate size, with sufficient space on all sides of the logo.
  7. The logo cannot be recreated, modified or manipulated in any way.
  8. The logo cannot be combined with any other logo or typography.
  9. Download the PowerPoint in the Supporting Documents below to access the Children's Trust logo package. Instructions for saving images and use cases are in the file.
  10. Any additional needs may be filled by direct request. (Vector files, larger file size, etc.)



The hex colors for the Children's Trust of Alachua County brand are as follows:

  • CTAC Primary Blue: #3276b8
  • CTAC Primary Green: #8ec53f
  • Gray (accent): #e5e6e6


Questions can be directed to (352) 374-1825.