Children's Trust Regular Meeting - Annual Meeting

Monday, January 10, 2022 - 4:00pm

Virtual Meeting Information


1. Zoom Link to Register:

2. View or listen to the meeting:

3. Public Comments: Submit online at


Guidelines for Public Comments

Any member of the public wishing to be heard either under the agenda section “General Public Comments” or on a specific agenda items shall complete an appearance card and present the card to the Clerk of the Trust prior to the start of the Board or Committee meeting. In the event following the start of a Board or Committee meeting additional items are added to the agenda, then with the consent of the Chair of the meeting, any member of the public may submit an appearance card to speak on such additional item(s) prior to Board or Committee discussion of such item(s).

Members of the public recognized by the Chair will have three (3) minutes to speak on a single “subject matter” submitted on an appearance card presented prior to the start of the meeting. In the event an individual submits multiple requests to be heard on more than one agenda item the Chair shall determine the amount of time allotted to the speaker, however, such time shall not exceed ten (10) minutes without approval of the Board or Committee. The Clerk of the Trust will function as official timekeeper. Members of the public may not share or transfer all or part of their allotted time to any other person or to any other agenda item, except as permitted by this Policy. To the extent a speaker has previously addressed a Board or Committee on the same subject and at which a majority of the Board was present, then the Board Chair may limit repeat comments at the Board meeting by the same speaker.

The Board may provide members of the public the option to participate in Board or Committee meetings electronically. If such an option is provided, the procedures herein apply, but the Board or Committee will provide members of the public with an electronic means to complete an appearance card and present the card to the Clerk of the Trust prior to the start of the Board or Committee meeting.